Prayers of the People for September 18th, based on the lessons from Proper 20 Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary. On this site there is also
• a reflection on the Epistle Lesson for the same day, and
• a reflection on the Gospel Lesson for the same day.
Let us pray for the church, the world, and all in need.
O God, we pray for the church throughout the world, that her members, ministers, and ministries may live our lives in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray for our nation and our leaders, that like in the days of old, you would rain your grace from heaven.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray for all nations, that all might be fed by the bread you give for the life of the world.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray for our brothers and sisters in this community, and especially those who celebrate this week; those celebrating birthdays _________, and those celebrating anniversaries __________.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray for the sick, the suffering, the fearful, and all who live in the wake of terror, especially __________.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray for those who have departed this life to be with Christ.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
Lord Jesus, we pray to you today, knowing that you have granted us the privilege of believing in you, and of bearing your cross in the world; strengthen us, day by day, to stand firm in the Spirit, and to strive side by side each other, and you, for the Good News. In your holy Name we pray. Amen.