Based on Canticle 4, the Song of Zechariah
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed us.
Bless the nations, tribes and kingdoms of the world, O Lord, with your tender mercy, and with the light you give to those who sit in darkness.
Hear our Prayer, O Christ, for you are the King of Kings.
Bless our nation, O Lord, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve you without fear.
Hear our Prayer, O Christ, for you are the King of Kings.
Bless your Church, O Lord, and those who minister in your Church (especially…); that your people might give the knowledge of salvation to the whole world.
Hear our Prayer, O Christ, for you are the King of Kings.
Bless those who are sick, in pain, lonely, or in any distress, O Lord, (especially…); that they might know the mercy your showered on our forebearers.
Hear our Prayer, O Christ, for you are the King of Kings.
Bless this community of faith, O Lord, (especially those who celebrate birthdays this week… anniversaries…) that the dayspring from on high would rest on us.
Hear our Prayer, O Christ, for you are the King of Kings.
Bless those who have died, O Lord, (especially) and guide their feet into the way of peace.
Hear our Prayer, O Christ, for you are the King of Kings.
Lord God, you sent John the Baptist to be Prophet of the Most High, and to go before the face of your son; end us into the places of darkness with your light, and without fear; that all may know of your mercy, peace, and love. Amen.