So, who’s as super-excited as I am that fall is here?! Don’t get me wrong, I love the beach, the sun, the pool, the quiet days at the office…but I also LOVE when everyone is back and on fire for another year of figuring out how to be a better disciple and a more faithful community.
for real – a reflection on Luke 14:25-33
The following is a reflection on Luke 14:25-33, the Gospel lesson appointed for Proper 18C according to the Revised Common Lectionary.

Stairwell in L’Eglise de Saint Sulpice, Paris, France. Photo by Rick Morley.
First of all, if anyone can get me the address of the lectionary compiler whose great idea it was to have the “hate your father and mother” and “give away your possessions” Gospel lesson hit on the first Sunday of the fall…that’d be great.
I mean, for real?
“Welcome back everybody, and especially welcome to all our newcomers today…now on to hating your parents…
…See you next week?”
Second of all, this lesson is amazing, because Jesus nails it. Read More
A Collect for Labor Day
Lord Jesus, we give thanks for work, and for the many works you have given us to do. Hear our prayers on this day of rest, and strengthen us for the week ahead. We pray that you would be present with those who work by day, and those who work by night; those who work near, and those whose work carries them far away; and we pray for those who in this uncertain time have no job. We pray all of this knowing that your labors on our behalf never cease, and that your yoke is easy, and your burden is light. Amen.
Proper 17C
Proper 16C
Proper 15C
book review: The Social Media Gospel
It just happened. I was skulking on Facebook, minding my own business…when one of our 85+ year old congregants “friended” me. When little-ole’ church ladies are jumping headfirst into The Internets and The Social Media, you know it’s not just “for the kids” anymore.
And, speaking of “the kids…” I’ve also noticed that they’re a bit more absent these days from The Facebook. I’m seeing them pop up more and more on Instagram and Tumblr. In fact, I’ve stumbled into several incredible communities of young people on Tumblr having the most amazing, in-depth, conversations on God and the church.
By now, it should be crystal clear to everyone in society, and even to those of us in the church, that social media is here to stay—and that’s an ever-evolving landscape.
I recently finished Meredith Gould’s The Social Media Gospel: Sharing the Good News in New Ways. Read More