All posts tagged: love

why we can’t be afraid

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“Do not be afraid,” is the single most often repeated command in the Bible, having been issued about a hundred times. God told us not to fear. (e.g. Gen 15:1) Moses told us not to fear. (e.g. Exodus 14:15) Angels told us not to fear. (e.g. Matthew 28:5) The psalmists told us not to fear. (e.g. Psalm 23:4) Jesus told us not to fear. (e.g. Luke 12:7). I’ve preached on “do not be afraid” countless […]

swaddled and squinting – a reflection on 1 John 4:7-21

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Creation / Easter / Epistles / Lectionary / Soteriology / Year B

The following is a reflection on 1 John 4:7-21, the epistle lesson for the Fifth Sunday of Easter in Year B, according to the Revised Common Lectionary. I have very clear memories of holding each of my daughters, just moments after their births. Both times a nurse handed me those little swaddled bundles and then left the room to care for my wife, just recovering from the c-section. I remember experiencing a flood of emotion, […]