These prayers could be used while the Advent Wreath is being lit either before, or during, the Sunday liturgy. Feel free to use or adapt as necessary.
Advent 1
O Come, O Come Emmanuel,
As we Light this candle,
So kindle within us the fire of your Presence,
That, with you, we might set the world ablaze with your light and love. Amen.
Advent 2
O Come, O Come Emmanuel,
As we light these candles,
So kindle within us the fire of your love,
That, with you, we might set the world ablaze with your peace and joy. Amen.
Advent 3
O Come, O Come Emmanuel,
As we light these candles,
So kindle within us the fire of your love,
That, with you, we might set the world ablaze with your grace and mercy. Amen.
Advent 4
O Come, O Come Emmanuel,
As we light these candles,
So kindle within us the fire of your love,
That, our hearts might be made ready for your coming.
May your coming be soon, O Lord. Amen.